Dan Sfera, research site owner and self proclaimed Clinical Trials Guru
Welcome to The Clinical Trials Guru! I originally started this blog back in 2010 with the hope of attracting more study participants to my research clinics. What ended up actually happening was fascinating, and only further proves to me that the market will ultimately dictate the course of your business. Rather than having potential study participants reaching out to me, I had fellow clinical researchers (and wanna-be future researchers) consuming my content and asking anonymous and interesting questions.
Since 2010 I have been blogging nonstop. In case you would like to go back and watch some of my prior videos, feel free to check out my Youtube channel as there are over 1,000 videos!
In 2016 I decided to give my blog a much needed makeover, and to keep the content on here strictly for other industry professionals. Nevertheless, I plan on providing even more value for you as I have streamlined the site and cleaned it up a bit.
I post several of my longer interview and videos on Spotify and iTunes as well. Just search for "Random Musings From The Clinical Trials Guru" on any of those podcast platforms.
I also run a full time clinical research consulting firm that is slowly evolving into a CRO. If you need any of my consulting services such as business development, clinical operations, contracts and budgets, recruitment, Investigator location services or more, please feel free to reach out to me. You can find more info on my company DSCS Sweat Equity & Investments, LLC here.
Finally I do a fair amount of teaching with my CRA Academy, CRC Academy and Pharma focused lectures.
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